Breve VS Latte: A Deep Dive Into The Differences

Breve VS Latte is a fairly common comparison since both of these coffee drinks have plenty of similarities but also glaring differences.
Similarities wise, they are both milky coffee beverages with an espresso base.
So what are the differences between a Breve and a Latte?
Well, the biggest difference between Breve and Latte is the type of milk used to prepare each of the coffee beverages. For the Breve, you should use a half and half milk while the Latte is typically made with whole milk.
But wait, there are a few more differences between these two coffee drinks that you should know about.
In this blog post, I will deep dive into the 6 core differences between Breve and Latte.
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At a glance: Breve VS Latte (A Deep Dive Into The Differences)
What Is A Latte

A latte is an espresso based milk drink that comprises three parts; an espresso base, textured milk and a silky layer of foam
You can essentially trace the roots of a Latte all the way to Italy in the year 1867. This Italian coffee beverage is traditionally known as Caffe Latte which translates to coffee and milk.
While the name is of Italian origin, the boost in its popularity skyrocketed when it was introduced to the Americans.
Since then, this milky coffee drink is well known throughout the world.
Author’s Note: If you order a Latte in Italy, you will be presented with a warm cup of milk. Instead you should order a Caffe Latte if you want a milky coffee beverage.
What Is A Breve

The Breve is an uncommon drink to find in coffee shops around the world. But if you encounter one, you should probably give it a try.
In short, a Breve is a milk coffee drink which is made with an espresso base and half-and-half milk instead of whole milk.
On the historical side of this drink, it is said that the Breve is an Americanized version of the Italian Latte. Like the Latte, the half-and-half milk for the Breve is also textured and frothed before topping it over the espresso base.
Breve VS Latte: 6 Differences Explained

As both the Breve and Latte are properly defined, we can now look at their differences.
Here, I am going to explore 6 factors that sets a Breve apart from the Latte.
1. Ingredients

Unlike comparing Cortados and Cappuccinos, the core difference between Breve and Latte is the ingredients. More precisely, the milk used to make each of these drinks.
A Breve uses half-and-half milk while a Latte requires whole milk. With this reason alone, it completely changes the dynamics between these two coffee beverages. From the mouthfeel and texture to the taste and flavor of both the milk based espresso beverages, it is all thanks to the milk element.
Here’s a quick step-by-step guide on making a Breve and a Latte. You will notice that the steps to make both of these coffee drinks are very similar.
Recipe For A Breve
How To Make Breve At Home
1. Warm up your espresso machine.
2. Measure out 18 grams of coffee beans and grind them to a fine grind size with a coffee grinder into your portafilter.
3. Level and even out the surface of the coffee puck in the portafilter.
4. Tamp the coffee bed evenly.
5. Fit the portafilter into the espresso machine’s group head.
6. Extract your double shot espresso. Aim to get 36 grams of espresso within 30 seconds of extraction.
7. While the extraction is going on, pour 60 ml of half-and-half milk into your milk pitcher.
8. Texture and froth the half-and-half milk with your steam wand.
9. Your espresso should be fully extracted by now. Pour the textured milk over your double shot espresso.
10. Your Breve is ready to be served.
Recipe For A Latte
How To Make Latte At Home
1. Warm up your espresso machine.
2. Measure out 18 grams of coffee beans and grind them to a fine grind size with a coffee grinder into your portafilter.
3. Level and even out the surface of the coffee puck in the portafilter.
4. Tamp the coffee bed evenly.
5. Fit the portafilter into the espresso machine’s group head.
6. Extract your double shot espresso. Aim to get 36 grams of espresso within 30 seconds of extraction.
7. While the extraction is going on, pour 120 ml of whole milk into your milk pitcher.
8. Texture and froth the whole milk with your steam wand.
9. Your espresso should be fully extracted by now. Pour the textured milk over your double shot espresso.
10. Your Latte is ready to be served.
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Arthur’s Comment: If you do not have half-and-half milk, the closest alternative is to use evaporated milk for your coffee. It is not as thick and creamy but it does come pretty close!
2. Mouthfeel And Texture

Since the core difference between Breve and Latte is the milk, the resulting mouthfeel and texture of both the drinks are highly attributed to the milk as well.
As the half-and-half milk is essentially half whole milk and half heavy cream, you can expect the Breve to have a rich and decadent texture. As you sip the Breve, you can feel the creaminess as the fat in the milk coats your tongue.
On the other hand, Latte’s milk component is usually whole milk. On top of that, the whole milk is textured and frothed with a steam wand. This in effect causes the milk to gain a creamy texture too.
However, the creaminess of a Breve far exceeds the Latte. In fact, this is a driving force behind Breve’s popularity!
3. Coffee Strength

In terms of coffee strength, the Breve is a stronger coffee drink compared to the Latte. This all contributed to the brew ratio difference between Breve and Latte.
For those who are unaware, brew ratio essentially means the ratio of coffee to milk.
Starting off with the Breve, this coffee beverage has a brew ratio of 1:1. Therefore, the volume of espresso will be matched with an equal amount of half-and-half milk.
On the other hand, Lattes are crafted with a brew ratio of 1:2 where you will need one part espresso and two parts milk.
Therefore, it is evident that the Breve has a smaller coffee to milk ratio compared to a Latte, and hence the coffee will appear stronger.
Barista Tip: A common misconception among coffee drinkers is that adding milk to coffee changes its caffeine content. In reality, all the milk does is just dilute the espresso but the total caffeine content remains the same.
4. Taste and Flavor

By now, you might have already guessed that the taste and flavor of the Latte and Breve is heavily influenced by the milk and brew ratio. For the sake of comparison, do assume that we are using the same type of coffee beans with similar roast profiles.
While sipping a Breve, you will notice that the taste and flavor of the espresso coffee base is comparatively more pronounced than the Latte. This is because there is less milk to dilute the coffee.
The same cannot be said for a Latte because there is more milk volume. Instead, the taste of Lattes are comparatively more milkier.
On top of that, Breve coffee will also taste comparatively sweeter due to the heavy cream component in the half-and-half.
5. Calorie Content

Fun fact! Black coffee and espressos have zero calories. With that in mind, any calories of a coffee beverage is all on extra ingredients added to the coffee.
In this case, it is half-and-half milk for the Breve and whole milk for the Latte. For your ease of reference, here’s a table summarizing the calories of both the coffee beverages.
Coffee Drink | Milk Type | Milk Volume | Calories |
Breve | Half-And-Half | 60 ml | 80 |
Latte | Whole Milk | 120 ml | 76 |
Source: Half-and-Half Milk Nutritional Value
As you can see, the Breve is a higher calorie coffee beverage in comparison to the Latte. And obviously this is attributed to the fact that Breve uses the half-and-half milk as its milk element in the coffee drink. On top of that, Breve has even more calories than a Latte even though the Latte is a larger cup of coffee beverage.
So if you are watching your waistline, the Latte is definitely a healthier choice than the Breve. Also if you love your coffee to be sugary sweet, you can always opt for sugar-free sweeteners!
6. Coffee Volume

Since we have gone through the brew ratio of both the Latte and Breve, it is obvious which has a larger volume. Here’s a little table of comparison showing the difference between the Breve and Latte in terms of volume.
Coffee Drink | Espresso Volume | Milk Volume | Total Volume |
Breve | 60 ml | 60 ml | 120 ml |
Latte | 60 ml | 120 ml | 180 ml |
As the Latte has more milk volume in comparison to a Breve, the Latte is a comparatively larger cup of coffee drink. Therefore, do not be taken aback if your Breve comes in a small dainty cup. If you prefer a more voluminous drink, a Latte may be a better choice.
Which Is Better: Breve VS Latte

Between a Breve and a Latte, which is the better coffee drink for you?
I hate to say this but the type of coffee drink is very subjective to personal taste. However, based on your preference, there is certainly one that is better than the other.
Whichever you choose, know that both the Breve and Latte are excellent espresso base milk drinks.
So to help you narrow down your choices for Breve VS Latte, ask yourself the 3 questions below:
i) How do you prefer the strength of your milk coffee?
ii) Do you like your coffee drink to have a very creamy texture?
iii) Would you want a small coffee or a larger volume of coffee?
As you ask yourself the questions above, let us move on to the reasons to choose a Breve or a Latte.
Reasons To Choose Breve
1. Preference for a stronger and more intense flavor of the coffee.
2. Appreciate a coffee beverage that has a heavy and creamy mouthfeel.
3. Enjoys coffee which has a lesser milk-to-coffee ratio.
4. Do not mind a small volume of a coffee drink.
Reasons To Choose Latte
1. Preference for milkier-tasting coffee beverages.
2. Loves a milky and creamy coffee drink but is not as heavy as a Breve.
3. Prefers to have coffee which has a more milk-to-coffee ratio.
4. Wants a higher volume of coffee beverage.
Regardless of which type of espresso based milk beverage you choose, always ensure that your espresso base is of decent quality. You can achieve this by storing your coffee beans in optimum conditions preventing it from turning rancid.
FAQ On Breve VS Latte
Is Breve Better Than Latte?
No. A Latte is better than a Breve as the Latte is the healthier option in terms of calorie and fat content. The core difference lies in the type of milk used for each drink. A breve is made with half whole milk and health heavy cream while Latte uses solely whole milk.
Is Breve Sweeter Than Latte?
Yes, a Breve is sweeter than the Latte. The main reason is because a Breve is made using half-and-half milk. In which, the heavy cream present in the half-and-half milk causes the Breve to be naturally sweeter. This holds true if none of the coffee drinks are added with other sugary components.
Why Do People Drink Breve?
People drink Breve to enjoy its rich and creamy texture since it is made with half-and-half milk instead of whole milk. This causes the drink to lean towards the sweeter side in comparison to a Latte. For this reason, the Breve is also popular for dessert rather than breakfast.
Closing Notes
This concludes this comprehensive comparison of Breve VS Latte. If you are living outside the United States, it may be difficult to come across a cafe serving Breve.
But since you have made it this far, you know that you can easily make a Breve at home too. All you need is half-and-half milk!
That said, which is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below!
If you find this piece of article informational and have taught you a thing or two about Breve and Latte, please share it with your fellow friends. baristas and home brewers!
Happy brewing!